Sunday, June 2, 2019

5 Modes Of Transportation :: essays research papers

5 Modes of TransportationIn order to have swooning mobility of persons and goods, it is necessary tohave a sophisticated and widespread point system. This system is madeup of five primary areas of beguileation, which are- Motor vehicles- Railroad transfer of training- Air transportation- Water transportation- PipelinesEach of these five modes consists of different subsystems which make up thesystem. Each mode is used to transport persons or goods, simply in many instances,one mode may be favored over the others. All five modes require some primarysource of money for building and maintaining the infrastructure. These fundsmay come from a number of different places such as the federal government, state,or the city through which the system runs. polar government agencies havejurisdiction over the modes. These agencies focus on maintaining and improvingsafety of each system. The individual states also have certain obligations tothe operation and canon of the different modes of t ransportation.Each mode is made up of primary subsystems. The subsystems of railroadtransportation include freight trains and passenger trains. Freight trains areused to transport goods and materials between cities while passenger trains areused to transport people. Although freight trains are still used all across thenation, rail intercity freight has accounted for a decreasing share of the totalton mileage over the past 30 years. This is mostly due to the increase in trucktransport. Rail passenger trade had also declined over the years until betterservice was offered by Amtrak and the price of fuel increase. Much of thedecline in rail passenger traffic has been due to the increasing number of airpassengers.Air transport can also be divided into the subsystems of passenger andfreight transport. Passenger air touch off has rapidly increased over the yearsdue to- Increasing Gross National Product- Increasing wealth of the middle-income groups- Increasing number of nonprimary indus try in the economic system- Increasing amount of general aviation- Improved technologyThe areas for air transport of express and freight and mail has also increasedrapidly over the years. This is due mostly to improved technology which hassteadily lowered the cost of air transport.Like rail and air transport, peeing transportation can also be brokendown to passenger and freight transport. Passenger transportation by water onlyaccounts for a very pocket-size percentage of water transport because it is very slowand relatively inconvenient for most people. This is primarily used by peoplefor vacation purposes. Most often, water transport is used for freight movementof items that are bulky and of low cost per unit volume.

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